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GPK 40H50

High-speed Carton Erector

GPK 40H50

The High-speed Carton erector GPK-40H50 is a patented product independently researched and developed by the Gurki. The horizontal unpacking speed reaches 50 boxes/min, which is 50% lower than the other horizontal unpacking machine of the same level and economical, economical and practically.


Solutions to all your coding machine.

Komp. Pergudangan CIC (Cikupa Industrial Complek), Blok A, No.5, Jl. Raya Serang Km. 12,5 Ds. Sukadamai Kec. Cikupa Kab. Tangerang 15710 Banten-Indonesia

+62 812 - 1812 - 5535

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